Saturday, April 19, 2008


haha opps i didnt write all week. well tuesday i went to volleyball practice which was fun. i lost my voice tho? and herb had me playing a different position so my knee was like frieedddd. so its been pretty tight all week. then wednesday i went to a candlelighters meeting for community service hours, im face painting tomorrow at the crystal walk :] thenn thursday didnt really do antything, and yesterday just hung out for a bit with people then went to bed at like 11ish? cuz i got up earlyish today to surf. i got up at like 9 and got up to hightower at 1030ish, i had to ride my bike. the wavves were good :] i had fun. it was really clean and breaking pretty good. i have to work on a few things though. with my knee i have a sluggish pop up and tend to stand to far up on my board. but im working on it :] ill get it. zach came out surfing with bruce and there were a bunch of other kids there that i know but dont know know haha yeah. then came home at like 3ish and fell asleep on the couch. i missed alecs game :/ oh and i just watched I Am Legend. dude was that an intense movie. i was like sitting on the edge of my seat the wholeeee time. and now im watching the spongebob movie with alec :] haha arent we cool. and tomorrow im face painting at the crystal walk which starts at like 1 or 2pm but im going at 11 to help set up. samanthas comeing with and is going to hang out all day. so yeah :] exciting stuff man

come get your face painted tomorrow :]
later loves

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