Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One of those days

Yesterday was deffiently one of those days..woke up to text messages i dont remember sending..fell out of bed when my alarm went off (which left me with a nice new bruise)...slept through most of my math class..slept half my day away..tripped up the stairs, down the stairs, and walking on a completely flat surface... mind racing all day...not exactly an awesome day..However it did pick up some. Went to the beach to walk off my frustrations with Amanda and Nicky, had a lovely gossip sesh. Had a nice dinner, worked out, ended up at Matts house again and ended the night with my girlies and ramon noodles:] Today, however...another one of those days. Its only 3pm and my day sucks. I was apparently mentally exhausted from yesterday and hit snooze to many times this morning to the point that my alarm just decided to stop going off. My first class was at 8am...I finally woke up at 12pm. Slept right through both my morning classes, lunch, and almost missed my art class. Great huh? And to make things even better..people suck. haha. I could really use a nice pick me up right about now..or a major distraction.

But on a lighter note, my brothers coming up to visit me this weekend:] Which im ohhso excited about. He's never been one to quite enjoy school, and the thought of college isnt all that appealing to Im hoping this visit gets him excited about going to college and going away to school instead of staying home and going to community college. I want to show him that yes Im at school, which has responsibilities and can be a lot of work, but I still have plenty of time to do my own shit and have funn. I mean who else can say they go to class, take a two hour nap, then spend the rest of the day at the beach?? So hes going to shadow me one friday, go with me to my two morning classes (which are my learning community classes which are both based off of sports) then I will show him around, go get some lunch, and if its nice out, most likely end up at the beach:] Im excited.

later....deffiently went to the playground by the parking garage with amanda:]...weare so lame. But i found my name on a plague that was put there when I was like 7, I was soooo happy, it deffiently made my day. I actually went to work outs tonight (knee pooped out) but after workouts instead of going running I went longboarding which was absolutely loverlyyy. Worked out a lot of my shit, and the weather is beautimous. I love it here, and I really need to learn not to fret the small things..and just enjoy my life and I got to stop being so damn OCD, puts a damper on my day. haha. Right now amanda and I are being oh so adorible sitting on street outside a little pub just on our computers listening to music, enjoying the weather:] I.Love.College

<3 Kayla

"Things aren't always what they seem" -adtr

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