Friday, March 28, 2008


dude. concert last night, freaking AMAZING. the conditions, meece, and phantom plantet opened for paramore. the conditions are a newish band but they were really really good. meece was different? they guy kinda danced...gaylike. but they were pretty good. then ohmygosh phantom planet!!! i did not know they were opening. they were holy crap good. as goo if not better than paramore. we got to meet all of the opening bands outside. they were signing autographs and what not. i got a paramore shirt and a phantom planet shirt and all of phantom plantets signatures. then paramore came on and ahhh so good. me and samantha were rocking out and it was great. then after the concert we went and got coffee at starbucks on city walk. it was really nice out, cool and pretty. today i slept in till 10, took a shower, then went to school just in time for lunch. perfect. haha well the rest of the day went by prtty slow. till 7th :] hung out with jenna. and had fun as always. haha we went to the research lab and disposed of our stuff. haha it was funny. and im exhausted so made no plans tonight. was going to hang with jenna but shes going to that beach boys concert haha :P tomorrow i have alecs game then maybe going to relay for life maybe not sure. then i want to go to the beach on sunday :] if anyone wants to come with.


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