Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday(forgot yesterday)

Opps my bad, didnt write yesterday. Well yesterday was an amazing day. At the volleyball game i got to play alot in the second and third game. I scored 3 points with just my serves, it was very exciting. Well at school "white" walked me to almost all my classes, it was nice. And he officially like asked me out and i said no. Its way to soon you know? I dont want to rush things, and i technically just broke up with michael and i mean im not going to be over him for a while. And then theres another going to call him "black" because that was the color shirt he was wearing today. I really really liked him over the summer and we were going to go out and stuff but things got all messed up and idk. But i still kinda like him? im not completly over him and stuff and he told me that hes done bothering me and is just going to give up. I didnt know what to say cuz apart of me wont let me like him cuz dont want to get hurt but then another part of me wants him to prove that i can trust him and by giving up it...idk. I guess i just going to have to forget about any feelings i still have for him...So yeah idk. Today nothing really exciting happened, i got my haircut and i think it looks okay i can never do anything with my hair. And my dad brought home some of the reef girl bathingsuit samples. I can were the tops :] but not these bottoms cuz there brazillion cut and its like a freakin thong. But im going to order like normal bottoms, im excited. Tomorrow theres supose to maybe be waves, so im going surfing and if i dont then im probably going to have people (dont know who yet) come over here and hang out. So im just going to go with the flow tomorrow. I was supose to hang out with jenna tonight and maybe tomorrow but that got canceled..again. So yeahh idk wats going on anymore. But i might get to hang out with brandi tomorrow :] well if anything else exciting happens tonight then ill write again later.

-Kayla <3

So "white" called me and we talked on the phone for like 2 hours. Yeah i like him like a just a little bit, but i still like dont know him all that well and stuff. So yeah im just going to not do anything right now. And im talking to "black" right now...and i was starting to actually believe him and stuff and would of tryed to let him in and stuff. Well turns out tonight he went to the movies and madeout with this chick. Now you can see why i wouldnt let myself fall for him...he hasnt shown i can trust him? But w.e its his life he can do what he wants. He says he just wants me..but then goes and does who knows w.e haha i just want to go live on an island in the middle of no where so no one can find me, i need a break, an escape. People dont see...i just put on a happy face..but iv been dealing with alot of my own shit lately. Yeah wonderfull huh? And its raining and idk why but its making me want to cry? wow okay im going to go watch tv or something take my mind off of heads about to explode


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